Happy Veganniversary – MC Pony’s first official single!
Are you vegan? This is a song for you to celebrate the anniversary of the date you went vegan! If you don’t know the date, how about picking 1st November, World Vegan Day, and playing it for yourself then? This also gives you another great excuse to eat some vegan cake!
If you’re not vegan, you probably still know someone who is, so why not send them the link to bring a smile to their face!
Or, you could even go vegan today and count down the days until you can play this to yourself in a year’s time…
Whatever the case, this song comes to you with love and a generous dose of fun.
MC Pony developed as a character in 2008, and began performing in 2009, but it’s taken until now, more than halfway through 2015, for an official MC Pony single release to happen. Even this one song had a long birthing process – a full eighteen months, which seems even longer than you’d expect for a track that clocks in at under 2 minutes in duration.
Back in February 2014 I thought it would be great to have a celebratory anthem that could be played to mark the occasion of someone’s veganniversary – the anniversary of the date they went vegan! I had a bit of an idea for a chorus melody and decided to approach Ralph Graham, who had recently set up the Facebook group “Sydney Vegans Making Music”, to see if he would be interested in co-writing the song. Fortunately he thought it was a decent idea, and we’ve spent many many sessions since then writing and re-writing the idea.
An earlier version of the track was unveiled at the Sydney Vegan Expo in May, but we’ve even tweaked it since then for the official release. And now, with delight, Ralph Graham and I are able to announce that “Happy Veganniversary” is ready to share with the world.
The single was launched with a special party last night at Lentil as Anything in Newtown. There’s going to be another blog post soon with a run-down of the launch night, but above for your viewing pleasure is the official music video for HAPPY VEGANNIVERSARY!
Thank you to Renée Jonas for being the featured guest artist on the track. We’ll also be sharing another version in a lower register that features Ralph Graham as the guest artist – but you’ll have to wait a few weeks for that! Subscribe if you want to be notified when we have that ready for you!
The single is already available to download from www.cdbaby.com/cd/mcpony, and it has been distributed to other digital download services (such as iTunes), but the delivery to these platforms takes differing amounts of time so I will report back once it is live across the board.
All the credits:
Happy Veganniversary
MC Pony’s first single!
written by Ralph Graham and Elizabeth Usher
performed by MC Pony and Renee Jonas
Programming, guitars & bass – Andrew Covell
Produced by Andrew Covell and Elizabeth Usher
Engineered by Andrew Covell
Mastered by Kathy Naunton of dB Mastering
Vegan cake from Bunny Cups
Graphics © Veganthused with thanks to Nicola May Design and Due Designs
Video edited by Nicole Boyd
Featuring some of the lucky residents at Edgar’s Mission
Footage by Elizabeth Usher
© All Rights Reserved
There is also a custom shortened URL for the video:
who is MC Pony?
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